
Showing posts from April, 2022

Why every institution should have a Digital Language Lab |

  Why every institution should have a Digital Language Lab | Talk Right Language Lab  The quality of education given at an institution reflects through the students. The most prominently visible criteria on which most educational institutions are judged is the communication of students. It’s a deep desire of every institution to ensure that their students communicate in fluent English his need establishes the requirement of Digital Language Lab as an integral part of every educational institution  Teaching communicative English, an uphill task Most of the institutions find teaching communicative English a really uphill task. In many cases while the students are very strong in grammar and written English, they lack the communicative skill due to various reasons. Lack of practice is one major reason as mostly in a class of thirty to forty students, if the teacher tries to give the students opportunity to speak , in a period of 40 minutes, the student hardly gets even one minute to talk